Hosting ISTA Events
ISTA Ordinary Meetings and Congresses
ISTA invites applications from its members to host the annual ISTA Ordinary Meetings or ISTA Congresses in their country.
We would be delighted if your government would consider this invitation in support of the activities of the Association. The ISTA Executive Committee selects hosts for future events from the applications received.
For an ISTA Ordinary Meeting, the application for hosting can be submitted by an ISTA Designated Authority or an ISTA Member Laboratory on consultation with their ISTA Designated Authorities.
For an ISTA Congress, the application may only be submitted by the ISTA Designated Authority nominated by the government of the corresponding country.
For more information about hosting an ISTA event, please contact the ISTA Secretariat.
ISTA Wokshops
ISTA Technical Committees (TCOM) regularly holds workshops which provide a platform for the exchange of information, experience and ideas. The lecturers are experienced seed scientists and technicians actively involved within ISTA and considered as experts in their fields. Workshops, held on the various aspects of seed testing all over the world, are an excellent training and education tool sustaining ISTA’s vision of “Uniformity in Seed Testing”.
Workshops can be customized as per the needs of the audience: targeted content for experienced or less experienced audience, targeted for local or regional species. Additionally, several topics can be combined into one Workshop.
Interested in hosting an ISTA Workshop?
The document Organising ISTA Workshops provides you with information on the procedures to be followed in the organisation of ISTA Workshops. ISTA and its Technical Committees welcome applications to host workshops. Contact the ISTA Secretariat for further information.