Standard PT
PT Rounds
PT25-1 Beta vulgaris Instruction
Participants of test round PT 25-1 shall receive samples of Beta vulgaris for germination testing on coated seed, as part of the ISTA Proficiency Test Programme for 2023-2025.
In case there is any doubt as to the integrity of the samples (e.g. broken seal, inadequate quantity of seeds) the laboratory is requested to contact the ISTA Secretariat.
Please test samples and report the results in accordance with the current ISTA Rules.
Laboratories accredited for the ISTA crop groups 5 (other agricultural crops) and/or for the crop group 6 (vegetables) and are also accredited for coated seed - are considered as obligatory participants in this PT round.
Other laboratories are considered as voluntary participants (for example laboratories accredited for the crop group 5 and /or 6 but not accredited for coated seed).
Orange certificate
A blank Orange International Seed Lot Certificate has been enclosed in the parcel, in order to give all participants the opportunity to practice reporting on the ISTA Certificates. It does not involve any form of rating but will help participants and ISTA to identify the potential for improvement in reporting. The certificate shall be completed with results for Lot 1, in addition to the germination form provided electronically.
Information for completing the ISTA Certificate
Applicant “ISTA Secretariat”, postal address Weight of the lot Category 10 000kg Category “Certified Seed” Sampling By Assume your laboratory performed the sampling
Number of Containers 400 Date of Sampling March 15, 2025 Mark of the Lot ISTA 2000 PAR The certificate shall be a final certificate.
Submitting results
The remaining seed shall be carefully stored, under the responsibility of your laboratory, for re-testing or follow-up corrective actions if required. It is also forbidden to sow the seeds, outside your laboratory, in the fields.
There should be sufficient seed for one re-test.
You are kindly asked to initiate the tests as soon as you receive the samples and report the results by e-mail to
Deadline for reporting: 1 July 2025.
PT25-1 Festuca rubra Instruction
Participants of test round PT 25-1 shall receive samples of Festuca rubra for purity, other seed determination, germination and tetratzolium testing, as part of the ISTA Proficiency Test Programme for 2023-2025.
In case there is any doubt as to the integrity of the samples (e.g. broken seal, inadequate quantity of seeds) the laboratory is requested to contact the ISTA Secretariat.
Please test samples and report the results in accordance with the current ISTA Rules.
Accredited laboratories are required to participate in all tests they hold a valid accreditation for. For non-accredited tests participation is voluntary.
Purity test
Please note that the sample weight of the test round is based on the weight of 2500 seeds and it can differ from the weight prescribed in the Table 2C.
Other seed determination
The number and species names of other seeds found shall be reported in alphabetical order in accordance with the accepted names in the current ISTA List of Stabilized Plant Names (synonyms cannot be accepted).
Seed storage and submitting results
Remaining seed shall be carefully stored, under the responsibility of your laboratory, for re-testing or follow-up corrective actions if required. There should be sufficient seed for one re-test. It is also forbidden to sow the seeds, outside your laboratory, in the fields.
You are kindly asked to initiate the tests immediately after receipt of the samples, and report the results by e-mail to
Deadline for reporting results: 1 July 2025.
PT24-3 Lactuca sativa preliminary results
Test round 24-3 L.sat started with the shipment of three samples of Lactuca sativa for purity, other seed determination and germination testing. Samples were dispatched in November 2024 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 March 2024. By this date 93% of the 189 participants submitted their test results. Individual preliminary results are emailed to the participants.
With publishing this information, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Didier Demilly GEVES-SNES
Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
FR-France Email:
PT24-3 Coriandrum sativum preliminary results
Test round 24-3 C.sat started with the shipment of three samples of Coriandrum sativum for germination testing.
Samples were dispatched in November 2024 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 March 2024. By this date 94% of the 183 participants submitted their test results.
Individual preliminary results are emailed to the participants.
With publishing this information, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Didier Demilly GEVES-SNES
Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Email: -
PT24-2 Arachis hypogaea summary report
Test round 24-2 A.hyp started with the shipment of three samples of Arachis hypogaea for germination test. Samples were dispatched in July 2024 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 November 2024, which was postponed to 15 December 2024. By this date, 86% out of the 176 participants submitted their test results.
Evaluation of the preliminary results and rankings took some time as the obtained results were not usual for the ISTA Proficiency Test rounds. After thorough discussion it is concluded that this PT round needs to be cancelled.Detailed explanation about the reasons for this decision are presented within the summary report.
PTC Chair contact data:
Didier Demilly GEVES-SNES
Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
PT24-2 Matthiola longipetala heterogeneity test and summary report
Test round 24-2 M.lon started with the shipment of three samples of Matthiola longipetala for germination test.
Samples were dispatched in June 2024 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 November 2024. By this date, 96% of the 132 participants submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
With publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Committee Chair on issues encountered or specific questions arising.PTC Chair contact data:
Didier Demilly GEVES-SNES
Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Heterogeneity results 24-2 M.lon
Summary report PT24-2.Ion -
PT24-1 Triticum aestivum subsp. astivum heterogeneity test and summary report
Test round 24-1 T.aes started with the shipment of three samples of Triticum aestivum subsp aestivum for purity, other seed identification, germination, moisture test, viability (tetrazolium) test, vigour (radicle emergence) and thousand seed weight tests. Exercise on completion of an ISTA Orange Certificate was also included.
Samples were dispatched in March 2024 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 July 2024. By this date 95% of the 213 participants submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
With publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Committee Chair on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Email: didier.demilly@geves.frHeterogeneity results 24-1 T.aes
OSD photos
Round 13 Seed Mixture seed list and images
Summary report PT24-1 T.aes -
PT23-3 Trifolium hybridum heterogeneity test and summary report
Test round 23-3 T.hyb started with the shipment of three samples of Trifolium hybridum for purity, other seed identification, germination and thousand seed weight tests.
Samples were dispatched in November 2024 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 March 2024. By this date, 96% of the 180 participants submitted their test results. Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters. With publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Committee Chair on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Email: didier.demilly@geves.frHeterogeneity results 23-3 T.hyb
OSD photos
Summary report PT23-3 T.hyb​​​​​​​ -
PT23-2 Raphanus sativus heterogeneity test and summary report
Test round 23-2 R.sat started with the shipment of three samples of Raphanus sativus for purity, other seed identification, germination, moisture and vigour tests. Completion on an ISTA Orange Certificate was also part of this proficiency test round.
Samples were dispatched in August 2023 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 November 2023. By this date 98% of the 209 participants submitted their test results. Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA web site to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters. With publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Committee Chair on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Email: didier.demilly@geves.frHeterogeneity results 23-2 R.sat
OSD photos
Round 12 Seed Mixture seed list and images
Summary report PT23-2 R.sat -
PT23-1 Vicia villosa heterogeneity test and summary report
Test round 23-1 V.vil started with the shipment of three samples of Vicia villosa for purity, other seed identification and germination tests.
Samples were dispatched in March 2023 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 July 2023. By this date, 98% of the 184 participants submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated, but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
By publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Committee Chair on issues encountered or specific questions arising.PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Heterogeneity results 23-1 V.vil
OSD Photos
Summary report PT23-1 V.vil -
PT22-3 Lolium perenne heterogeneity test and summary report
Test round 22-3 L.per started with the shipment of three samples of Lolium perenne for purity, other seed identification, germination and tetrazolium tests. In addition, the completion of an ISTA Orange certificate was offered.
Samples were dispatched in November 2022 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 March 2023. By this date, 95% of the 174 participants submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated, but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
By publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Committee Chair on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Heterogeneity results 22-3 L.per
OSD photos
Summary report PT22-3 L.per -
PT22-2 Spinacia oleracea heterogeneity and summary report
Test round 22-2 S.ole started with the shipment of three samples of Spinacia oleracea for purity, other seed identification and germination testing. Participants will receive their provisional results by e-mail.
Samples were dispatched in July 2022 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 November 2022. By this date 92% of the 195 participants submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
With publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
NOTE: 2 tubers were added to the Lot 2 sample and identified by many participants as other seed of Cyperus esculentus. According to the current ISTA Rules 3.3, tubers shall be classified as inert matter. This was confirmed by the ISTA Purity Committee and the identification of the Cyperus esculentus is therefore excluded from the OSD test. Reporting of 2 tubers of Cyperus esculentus was expected in the description of inert matter.These tubers are in some countries noxious. Therefore the participants may include them in their collection of noxious species. The images of the tubers are provided under the below link.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Heterogeneity results 22-2 S.ole
OSD photos
Summary report PT22-2 S.ole -
PT22-1 Glycine max heterogeneity and summary report
Round 22-1 G.max started with the shipment of three samples of Glycine max for germination testing. Participants will receive their provisional results by e-mail.
Samples were dispatched in April 2022 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 July 2022. By this date, 95% of the 199 participants submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
After publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Heterogeneity results 22-1 G.max
Round 11 Seed Mixture seed list and images
Summary report PT22-1 G.max -
PT 21-3 Fagopyrum esculentum heterogeneity and summary report
Test round 21-3 F.esc started with the shipment of three samples of Fagopyrum esculentum for purity, other seed determination, germination, and thousand seed weight.
Participants will receive their provisional results by e-mail.
Samples were dispatched in November 2021 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 March 2022. By this date, 94% of the 198 participants submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
With publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Heterogeneity results 21-3 F.esc
OSD photos
Summary report PT21-3 F.esc -
PT21-2 Alnus glutinosa heterogeneity and summary report
Test round 21-2 A.glu started with the shipment of three samples of Alnus glutinosa for germination test.
Participants will receive their provisional results by e-mail.
Samples were dispatched in November 2021 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 March 2022. By this date, 83% of the 84 participants submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated, but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
By publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Heterogeneity results 21-2 A.glu
Summary report PT21-2 A.glu -
PT 21-2 Medicago sativa heterogeneity and summary report
Test round 21-2 M.sat started with the shipment of three samples of Medicago sativa for purity, other seed determination, germination, and viability testing. The PT round also included reporting on the ISTA Orange Certificate as a non-rated training exercise. Participants will receive their provisional results by e-mail.
Samples were dispatched in August 2021 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 November 2021. By this date, 96% of the 180 participants submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated, but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
By publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Email: didier.demilly@geves.frHeterogeneity results PT21-2 M.sat
OSD Photos
Summary report PT21-2 M.sat -
PT 21-1 Zea mays heterogeneity and summary report
Test round 21-1 Z.may started with the shipment of three samples of Zea mays for germination, moisture, and vigour (radicle emergence) testing. Participants will receive their provisional results by e-mail.
Samples were dispatched in March 2021 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 July 2021. By this date, 97% of the 201 participants submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated, but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
By publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel C.S.
90024 49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Email: didier.demilly@geves.frHeterogeneity results PT21-1 Z.may
Round 10 Seed Mixture Seed List and Images
Summary report PT21-1 Z.may -
PT 20-3 Felicia sp. heterogeneity and summary report
Test round 20-3 F.sp started with the shipment of three samples of Felicia sp. for germination testing.
Samples were dispatched in November 2020 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 March 2021. This deadline was extended until 15 March 2021. By this date, 90% of the 113 participants submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated, but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
By publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Email: didier.demilly@geves.frHeterogeneity results 20-3 F.sp
Summary report PT20-3 Felicia -
PT 20-3 Festuca pratensis heterogeneity and summary report
Test round 20-3 F.pra started with the shipment of three samples of Festuca pratensis for purity, determination of other seeds, and germination testing. Completion of an ISTA Orange Certificate has also been requested. Participants will soon receive their provisional results by e-mail.
Samples were dispatched in November 2020 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 March 2021. This deadline was extended until 15 March 2021. By this date, 94% of the 164 participants submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
With publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel C.S.
90024 49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Email: didier.demilly@geves.frHeterogeneity results 20-3 F.pra
OSD photos PT20-3 F.pra
Summary report PT20-3 F.pra
Round 9 Seed Mixture Seed List and Images -
PT 20-2 Allium porrum heterogeneity and summary report
Test round 20-2 A.por started with the shipment of three samples of Allium porrum seed for purity, other seed determination, germination, viability, and thousand seed weight testing.
Samples were dispatched in August 2020 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 1 December 2020. This deadline was extended until 15 December 2020. By this date, 93% of the 180 participants had submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
With publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Heterogeneity results 20-2 A.por
OSD photos PT20-2 A.por
Summary report PT20-2 A.por -
PT20-1 Phaseolus vulgaris heterogeneity and summary report
Test round 20-1 P.vul started with the shipment of three samples of Phaseolus Vulgaris seed for germination, moisture and vigour testing.
Samples were dispatched in August 2020 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 15 November 2020. This deadline was extended until 1 December 2020. By this date, 92% of the 182 participants had submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are published at the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
With publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Heterogeneity results PT20-1 P.vul
Summary report PT20-1 P.vul -
PT 19-3 Hordeum vulgare heterogeneity and summary report
Test round 19-3 H.vul started with the shipment of three samples of Hordeum vulgare seed for purity, other seed determination, germination and viability testing.
Samples were dispatched in February 2020 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was 27 July 2020. By this date 92% of 200 participants submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
With publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges-Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Seed mixture training exercise
An extra sample with a seed mixture was included in this PT round. The participation in the seed mixture identification test is voluntary. It is an exercise organised by the ISTA Purity Committee with the aim of improving the seed identification skills of the analysts and it is not subjected to rating.
Heterogeneity results PT19-3 H.vul
OSD photos PT19-3 H.vul
Summary report PT19-3 H.vul
Round 8 Seed Mixture Seed List and Images -
PT19-2 Brassica napus heterogeneity and summary report
Test round 19-2 B.nap started with the shipment of three samples of Brassica napus seed for purity, other seed determination, germination and viability testing.
Samples were dispatched in July 2019 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was November 1, 2019. The deadline has been extended until November 8, 2019. By this date, 93% of the 200 participants had submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
With publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PTC Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges Morel C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
PT19-2 Heterogeneity results B.nap
OSD photos PT19-2 B.nap
Summary report PT19-2 B.nap -
PT19-1 Galega orientalis heterogeneity and summary report
Test round 19-1 G.ori started with the shipment of three samples of Galega orientalis seed for purity, other seed determination, germination, and moisture testing. Samples were dispatched in April 2019 and the deadline for reporting test results to the Secretariat was July 15, 2019. By this date, 95% of the 155 participants had submitted their test results.
Heterogeneity test results are provided on the ISTA website to allow the participants to review them. Heterogeneity results are the mean results of 10 samples that had been tested by the Test Leader prior to sample dispatch. The results are not necessarily the means that will be calculated but shall give a first indication of the seed quality parameters.
With publishing this heterogeneity test report, no further results are accepted for submission. Laboratories are kindly requested not to provide results of re-tests unless they wish to receive advice from the Secretariat or the Proficiency Test Leader on issues encountered or specific questions arising.
PT Chair contact data:
Mr. Didier Demilly
GEVES-SNES Station Nationale d'Essais de Semences
25 Rue Georges Morel
C.S. 90024
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Email: didier.demilly@geves.frHeterogeneity results PT19-1 G.ori
OSD photos PT19-1 G.ori
PT19-1 G.ori summary report
Rounds and Results
For each PT round, the testing instruction is first released, followed by the heterogeneity result and summary report.
The first comparative test system organised by ISTA with the aim to estimate the technical competence of member laboratories and prepare them for ISTA accreditation. It includes traditional tests that are most common in the seed testing laboratories such as purity, other seed determination, germination, moisture, and viability tests.