Accreditation Documents
ISTA Accreditation Standard for Seed Testing and Seed Sampling - English
(PDF,322.9 kB)
ISTA Accreditation Standard for Seed Testing and Seed Sampling - French
(PDF,332.5 kB)
ISTA Accreditation Standard for Seed Testing and Seed Sampling - German
(PDF,333.7 kB)
ISTA Accreditation Standard for Seed Testing and Seed Sampling - Spanish
(PDF,335.9 kB)
Learning tool on how to complete ISTA CertificatesExternal website
Acc D 01 Procedures for Termination, Suspension, and Withdrawal of ISTA Accreditation
(PDF,199.1 kB)
Acc D 02 Use of ISTA Logo
(PDF,221.7 kB)
Acc D 04 Accreditation under PBA
(PDF,305.0 kB)
Acc D 05 Performance Data Evaluation for Specified Trait Purity
(PDF,208.9 kB)
Acc D 05 Performance Data Evaluation for the presence of seeds with specified traits in seed lots
(PDF,274.8 kB)
Acc D 06 Accreditation of laboratories at multiple sites
(PDF,232.7 kB)
Acc D 06B Accreditation of laboratories with sampling units at multiple sites
(PDF,301.9 kB)
Acc D 07 Accreditation and Scope of Accreditation Policy
(PDF,352.6 kB)
Acc D 08 ISTA Internal policy to assign an auditor for a specific audit
(PDF,180.6 kB)
Admin P 05 Appeals and Complaints Procedure
(PDF,316.3 kB)
Admin F 27 Complaints and Appeals form
(PDF,192.4 kB)
Acc P 07 How to complete ISTA Certificates
(PDF,1.3 MB)
Acc P 08 How to Develop Quality Documentation - Under Revision
(PDF,1.2 MB)
Acc P 09 How to Respond to Audit Findings
(PDF,228.3 kB)
Acc P 11 Risk and Opportunity Assessment Guideline
(PDF,313.9 kB)
ISTA Crop groups (Acc F 09 Application Form for (Re )Accreditation)
(PDF,97.8 kB)
TCOM P 11 Introducing New Technologies Equivalent to the Human Analyst for Seed Analysis
(PDF,237.0 kB)
Standardised GMO Terms
(XLS,160.4 kB)